Judo is the art of gentleness, a martial art that uses the oppoents force against them. Traditional training involves wearing a Judo uniform, called a Judo gi, which is used for chokes, throws and more. Judo is a sport oriented martial art, where some of
Judo uniforms
Judo is the art of gentleness, a martial art that uses the oppoents force against them. Traditional training involves wearing a Judo uniform, called a Judo gi, which is used for chokes, throws and more. Judo is a sport oriented martial art, where some of the most deadly techniques have been removed from its parent arts of jujitsu. But Judo is quite effective just the way it is, and with an excellent structure of curriculum, belt levels and other enhancements that jujitsu did not have at the beginning of the 20th century.